emma lalau is a master of graphic design, visual communication, and spotify playlists.
she's currently based in San Francisco 📍🌁
Leira Organics
Leira Organics is a skincare Oihana utilizing Hawaiian botanicals and Lā’au Lapa’au.The task at hand was to create a social media campaign revolving around the Made in Hawaii Festival happening in August and provide more visuals such as graphics and photography/product photography.
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Accordion Book
Saul Bass remains one of the most influential designers of the 20th century. Known for his geometric typography and bold use of color, his work inspires many graphic designers today. For less than a month, I was tasked with designing an accordion book showcasing Bass’s life, best works, style, and legacy.
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Three Icons
For my Visual Communication class, we were tasked to create three cohesive icons inspired by topics of San Francisco History. I chose the ‘67 Summer of Love as it played a major role in San Francisco’s history.
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Smiski Triptych
I was tasked to take and edit three cohesive photos. The concept here was for Smiski to portray me. Smiski is living the life of a typical college student - studying, doing laundry, and eating ice cream.
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PSA Poster
Popular drinks and snacks made in America that contain Red 40 are banned in other countries such as Japan and Australia, to name a few. This 13 x 19 poster aims to reshape our view on some of the most beloved snacks.
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Fresh + Proper Logo Design
Fresh and Proper is a mobile bar located in Maui, Hawaii. The task at hand was to create a logo that will be mainly used for social media and a digital website.